Loadstar 67
santa clues
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Commodore BASIC
872 lines
5 ifz9=0thengosub60000
10 gosub7730,st
20 gosub1770,fi
30 gosub2070,intro
40 si=1:pokekb,.
50 :
60 onsigosub210,370,580,690,780,850,1000,1090,1320,1420,1520,1560
70 ifsf<3then60
80 :
90 onsi-14gosub2980,3200,3450,3480,3570,3860,3970,4000,4200
100 ifsi>23thenonsi-23gosub4290,4340,4420,4580,4620
110 ifsf<5then90
120 :
130 onsi-28gosub4850,4950,5030,5080,5130,5210,5260,5300,5380,5420
140 ifsi>38thenonsi-38gosub5510,5540,5610,5690,5790,5910,5940,5970
150 ifsf<7then130
160 :
170 onsi-46gosub6130,6250,6300,6400,6590,6690,6760,6850
180 goto150
190 :
200 si#1:
210 gosub2220:sp=.
220 tx$="[215]ow! [212]hat's a scary telegram! [212]his
230 tx$[178]tx$[170]"needs quick action to avoid a tragedy.
240 ch$(1)="[199]rab your earmuffs and catch the nextflight north
250 ch$(2)[178]"chr$o to (NULL)ears' department store and look for (NULL)anta
260 ch$(3)="[201]gnore it- claim the messenger got the wrong address
270 lk(1)[178]4:lk(2)[178]2:lk(3)[178]3
280 nc[178]3:[141]7380
290 [139]si[178]2[167]zf[178]zf[170]1
300 [139]ch[178]3[176]sf[167][142]
310 a[178]22:[141]7580
320 [153]"peekut it's snowing outside -
330 print"why don't you put your shoes on first?";
340 tr$="[212]hat's better.
350 sf[178]1:[137]7620
360 #2
370 [139]zf[177]1[167]500
380 tx$[178]"(NULL)ou arrive at (NULL)ears in record time. atnsking about (NULL)anta, you are
390 tx$=tx$+" told that heleft some time ago, looking depressed. [200]e was seen
400 tx$[178]tx$[170]" headed north on his sled, in a bit of a rush.
410 tx$=tx$+cr$+"[195]ould this be a clue?
420 ch$(1)[178]"ascollow his trail
430 ch$(2)="[199]o back home":lk(2)=1
440 ch$(3)="[194]uy some dishes
450 ch$(4)[178]"peekuy some supplies":lk(4)[178]6
460 nc[178]4:[141]7380
470 [139]ch[178]1[167]tr$[178]"(NULL)he trail leads north, toward the airport.":si[178]4
480 [139]ch[178]3[167]tr$[178]"(NULL)he dishes look great.":si[178]2
490 [142]
500 [153]"load(NULL)hoa - (NULL)he store is closed!":[153]"(NULL)ou'll have to wait until tomorrow
510 print"morning to get in.
520 [141]7620
530 [153]"right$ said you'll have to wait until":[153]"tomorrow!
540 gosub7620
550 tr$="[154][207]k, ok, it's morning now.
560 zf[178][171]1:[142]
570 #3
580 [141]1760:[153]"sys(NULL)ypical!
590 print"[217]ou know, that's the trouble with
600 [153]"society today: nobody cares any more.
610 print"[211]anta could be dying out there on the
620 [153]"tundra, and all you want to do is sit
630 print"by a warm fire and relax. [207]h well, [201]
640 [153]"guess this is going to be a very short
650 print"story. [204]et me know if you suddenly
660 [153]"develop a conscience.";
670 si[178]1:[137]2160
680 #4
690 [139]sf[177]1[167]si[178]10:tr$[178]"(NULL)our score is 3 out of 72 so far.":[142]
700 tx$[178]cr$[170]"(NULL)ou're at the airport now. (NULL)nfortunatelyyou don't have anything
710 tx$=tx$+"with you but earmuffs and shoes.
720 ch$(1)[178]"chr$et on a plane":lk(1)[178]7
730 ch$(2)[178]"chr$o back home":lk(2)[178]1
740 ch$(3)[178]"peekuy some supplies (a wise move)":lk(3)[178]5
750 ch$(4)[178]"chr$ive up":lk(4)[178]3
760 nc[178]4:[137]7380
770 #5
780 tr$[178]"(NULL)ell, it seemed like a wise move"[170]cr$[170]"at first.
790 tx$="[217]ou locate the airport gift shop. [211]adly, all they have here
800 tx$[178]tx$[170]"is toiletries and some chintzy gift cards -"[170]cr$[170]"the usual stuff.
810 tx$=tx$+cr$+"[215]hy don't you go back home and[160]try
820 tx$[178]tx$[170]cr$[170]"(NULL)ears' department store?
830 lk(1)=4:goto7370
840 #6
850 ifsf>1thensi=8:return
860 tx$="[217]ou buy a backpack, a very large parka,
870 tx$[178]tx$[170]"some mukluks, a rifle, and a year's"[170]cr$
880 tx$[178]tx$[170]"supply of freeze-dried turnips, on sale.
890 tx$=tx$+"[217]ou must look like a ghostbuster with all that stuff!
900 ch$(1)[178]"left$ead back home":lk(1)[178]1
910 ch$(2)[178]"(NULL)eep on shopping":lk(2)[178]8
920 ch$(3)[178]"chr$o to the airport
930 nc=3:gosub7380
940 sf=2:ifch-3thenreturn
950 a=22:gosub7580:syscb,16:print"[153][193]ll that shopping was tiring, so on
960 [153]"your way to the airport, you decide":[153]"to go home for a nap.
970 print"[154][208]ress a key to set the alarm.
980 si[178]1:[137]7620
990 #7
1000 tr$[178]"(NULL)here do you think you're going?"[170]cr$[170]"lenalifornia?"[170]cr$
1010 tr$[178]tr$[170]"(NULL)his is the search for (NULL)anta lenlues,"[170]cr$
1020 tr$[178]tr$[170]"not (NULL)anta lenruz!"[170]cr$
1030 tr$[178]tr$[170]"sys(NULL)et me explain this carefully:
1040 tx$="[153][193]re you going to travel to the north pole and strangle polar
1050 tx$[178]tx$[170]"bears with just your bare hands? (NULL)ead my lips:"[170]cr$
1060 tx$[178]tx$[170]"(NULL)ou need some supplies.
1070 lk(1)=4:ex$=" if you understand":goto7370
1080 #8
1090 print"[147][153][217]ou must have been 'born to shop'!":w=3400:fori=1to999:next
1100 print"[154][217]ou're really getting the hang of this.
1110 [153]"(NULL)ou buy an axe, a snowmobile, a
1120 print"camper's portable kitchen, a dogsled,
1130 [153]"and two chainsaws (in case one won't start).
1140 fori=1tow:next
1150 print"[150][201] hope your credit is good!
1160 [139][194](kb)[178].[167][129]i[178]1[164]w:[130]
1170 [153]"print(NULL)ou head for the airport and get on a
1180 print"plane. [213]nfortunately the weight of all
1190 [153]"that stuff is too much, and the plane
1200 print"crashes.
1210 [129]i[178]1[164]w:[130]
1220 [151]sr[171]3,8:[151]sw[171]3,2:[151]sw[170]1,20:[151]sw[170]2,58
1230 [129]i[178]1[164]2:[151]sw,.:[151]ra,2:[151]sw,129
1240 j[178]9[174]9:[151]sw,128:[151]ra,7:j[178]2[174]2:[151]ra,1
1250 [151]sw,0:[151]ra,1:[151]sw,129:j[178]2[174]2:[151]ra,2
1260 j[178]2[174]2:[151]sw,128:[151]sr[171]3,143:[129]j[178]1[164]170:[130]
1270 [130]:[151]ra,.:[129]i[178]1[164]999:[130]
1280 [129]i[178]1[164]w:[161]a$
1290 [139]a$[178]""[167][130]:w[178]w[172]1.5:[158]cb,24:[153]"(NULL)ress any key...";:[137]1220
1300 [151]sw,.:lk(1)[178]6:sf[178]1:[137]2530
1310 #9
1320 tx$[178]"(NULL)hat a long flight it is to (NULL)audi"[170]cr$
1330 tx$[178]tx$[170]"atnrabia. (NULL)ext time you catch the wrong plane, right$ suggest you
1340 tx$=tx$+" pick the [195]oncorde- you'll get lost much faster!
1350 ch$(1)[178]"(NULL)elax: have a drink":lk(1)[178]11
1360 ch$(2)[178]"lenheck out the beach":lk(2)[178]12
1370 ch$(3)[178]"chr$et a plane home
1380 nc=3:gosub7380
1390 ifch=3thentr$="[217]ou have better luck this time.":si=10
1400 return
1410 #10
1420 tx$="[200]ow you got all that equipment through the security check, [201]'ll
1430 tx$[178]tx$[170]"never know. chr$ood thing you brought a credit card, topay for
1440 tx$=tx$+"your ticket. [212]hat helpful clerkpointed down this walkway, but
1450 tx$[178]tx$[170]" there areso many planes.
1460 ch$(1)="[212]ake the blue plane
1470 ch$(2)[178]"(NULL)ake the red plane
1480 nc=2:gosub7380
1490 ifch=2thensf=3:si=15:zf=.:return
1500 tr$="[207]h no - you got on the wrong plane!":si=9:return
1510 #11
1520 tr$=cr$+"[196]idn't you know?
1530 tx$[178]"(NULL)here's no drinking allowed here! (NULL)et'stry again.
1540 lk(1)=9:goto7370
1550 #12
1560 tr$=cr$+"[212]hat's not a beach: it's the desert.
1570 tx$[178]"atnnyway, right$ don't see (NULL)anta lenlaus here.
1580 lk(1)=9:ex$=" to go to the airport":goto7370
1590 :
1600 syscb,19,18:print"[150][172][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][187]";:r$="[146]
1610 [153]r$"get you'd quit now? get";
1620 [153]r$"getf1 start over get";
1630 [153]r$"getf3 resume search get";
1640 [153]r$"getf7 "xx$"get";
1650 [153]r$"logwaitnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewcoswait";
1660 [141]7950:[141]7620
1670 [129]i[178]19[164]24:[158]cb,i,18:[153]" ";:[130]:[141]7540
1680 [139]ch[178]1[167][156]:ml[178]1:[137]10
1690 [139]ch[171]7[167][158]cb,19:[137]7390
1700 [151]53274,.:[151]56333,129:[158]65418:[151]53273,1:[151]53269,.
1710 [151]808,237
1720 [139][194](2)[178].[167][153]"load":[151]53281,.:[162]:[128]
1730 a$[178]"hello connect":[141]7660
1740 [139]a[178]63[167][147]a$,8
1750 [141]7690:[137]1730
1760 :
1770 rn[178]16:sl[178]2040:[151]bg,208:[1